Beta 0.0.4: Jinja2 and CI/CD

Backend template rendering


We are releasing 0.0.4, which includes some fixes and a new feature:


  • Introduced a Jinja2 engine for backend template rendering
  • Introduced console_log signal
  • Fixed hash based routing for SPA applications
  • Optimized run_javascript(js) to be a bit faster
  • Fixed macOS arm64 builds
  • CI/CD


We ported Jinja2 to Godot for dynamic HTML page generation from GDScript. It supports passing GDScript variables to templates, and other things you would expect from Jinja2, like: include, import, macros, if/for, extending blocks, etc.

What can you do with it? Read more about it here.

Console log

Javascript console output now has a signal:

$WebView.connect("console_log", _on_console_log)

func _on_console_log(level, message, line_number, sourceID):
    print("log: ", message)


We converted our silly collection of Bash files into a proper ci/cd Docker based pipeline, running on an Asus PN51 mini-PC, that produces release/debug builds for all platforms. This allows us to more quickly test features, and pack releases.


Thanks for reading this blogpost.

Visit the downloads page and grab yourself a release build.

For help or feedback, reach out via: - Discord - Github issue tracker

Sander Ferdinand