Beta 0.0.3: Small fixes

Small fixes


We are releasing 0.0.3, which includes some improvements:


  • Fixed a bug where the webview would sporadically not render
  • Fixed run_javascript() for gd->js communication
  • Fixed support for single-page-applications (React/VueJS/...)
  • Some small UI changes

Small UI changes


Some options moved to BaseWebView like refresh-rate, inputs, and others. This is because both WebView and QuickView now inherit from BaseWebView, sharing functionality. More information about the QuickView node will be covered in a later blogpost, and is only used for debugging purposes at the moment.

New options

We introduced 2 new options:

  • Unloaded warning (default: true) - emits a warning when the webview is ready but not loaded, i.e: the user forgot to call $WebView.load(), resulting in a pink texture.
  • Aspect ratio calculator - handy for when you intend to project a webview onto a texture in 3D on a MeshInstance3D, and wondering what the size of that MeshInstance3D should be. The calculation takes into account the current webview resolution. In this example, the webview resolution is 2560 x 1440, so the MeshInstance3D should be 4 x 2.25 in order to have a good aspect ratio.

Single page applications

Single-page-applications like Vue.js, React, et al. should now work. For example, if you have a vuejs app under web/dist/ in your Godot project, you can browse to this location: res://godot/web/dist/ (note the prefix godot)

Visit the tutorial for more information.


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Sander Ferdinand