Godot-webview, Qt, and LGPL3

Licensing simplified


Godot-webview uses Qt under LGPL-3.0, and we follow the rules set forth by LPLG-3.0:

  1. We give prominent notice that godot-webview uses Qt under LGPL-3.0.
    • Mentioned in the README.txt, as well as various places on this website
  2. We provide copies of the LGPL-3.0, and GPL-3.0 to buyers; businesses or private persons.
    • These licences are included in the .zip file.
  3. We provide the mechanism to (re)link godot-webview with a (potentially modified but interface-compatible) version of the Qt libraries.
    • godot-webview dynamically links against .so / .dylib / .dll and can easily be replaced.
  4. We display the copyright notices of Qt and the license texts of LGPL-3.0 and GPL-3.0 somewhere in the user interface.
    • our custom Godot node QuickView has a component and module: License and License that will show the license(s) in question.
  5. Any modifications to Qt are provided as git .diff patches.
    • They are interface-compatible
    • We include the build instructions (see LICENSE.md)
  6. We host the Qt source code ourselves over at git.kroket.io.
  7. We do not use any Qt modules that are not under LGPL3
  8. Proprietary codecs are disabled.

Commercial usage

In short, it is perfectly fine to use Qt in a commercial product, while keeping your source code a secret. That means using godot-webview is not an issue, provided that you follow the LGPL3 requirements.

In the case of a game, license(s) are typically shown on the about/credits screen.

More information on LGPL-3.0: